Environmentally friendly
- Manufactured with a minimal carbon footprint
- Lower rates of leaching
- Lower in volatile organic compounds
Provides superior performance
- Produced from cutting-edge technology
- Less corrosive to metal fasteners
- More resistant to mold growth
- Acceptable for direct contact with aluminum
- Easier to paint or stain
Complies with the following codes:
- 2007 ICC ESR 2240
- 2006 International Building Code (IBC)
- 2006 International Residential Code (IRC)
- 1997 Uniform Building Code (UBC)
- BOCA National Building Code/1999 (BNBC)
- 1999 Standard Building Code (SBC)
Infused with a wax-based water repellent
- Ensures water resistance for all four sides of the board
- Minimizes cracking, warping, and twisting due to swelling and shrinking from weather cycles
- Protects against rot, fungal decay, and termite attack